Getting your Access Key ID and Secret Key pair is easy enough, but it involves a number of steps.

Step 1

Goto the Amazon Associates Program home page and log in to your account. For the purposes of this tutorial, we assume you are already an approved Amazon affiliate -

Step 2

Click on the 'Product Advertising API' link under the Tools menu.

Step 3

Click the 'Join' button.

Important Update (05 April 2018): Due to a change in Amazon Associate Product Advertising API policy, the 'Join' button will not be active for new users. Once your account gets reviewed and approved by Amazon only then you will have access to the 'Join' button to can obtain API credentials. You will have to come back to this page and continue from this step after your account has been approved.

Step 4

Your Access Key and Secret Key will be displayed on the screen. Copy these into the  AWS Credentials form in the Spreadr app. We also recommend clicking the Download button and storing this in a secure location. You cannot retrieve the Secret Key from an existing Access Key after you move away from this page, so make sure you have it otherwise you will need to de-activate an old key and create another new one.


Your keys will look something like this:

  • Access key ID example: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
  • Secret access key example: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY