Existing products on Shopify can be linked to Amazon using the Spreadr app. Linking products to Amazon will not update any product details such as title, description, images, prices or inventory settings. Linked products can later be auto-synced to allow the Spreadr app to update product prices and availability. Note: while auto-syncing, the app will remove the variants of the product.

Steps to link existing products:

1. Log in to your Shopify store, select the product you want to link to Amazon and go to the product details page where you can edit product details.

2. Click the 'Spreadr App' button found under 'More Actions...'.

3. Product Linking screen is displayed in the Spreadr dashboard. Provide the Amazon product page URL you want to connect the product to.

4. Hit 'Link to Amazon'. 

Note: Instead of adding products to Shopify and linking them later to Amazon using the method provided here, we recommend importing products via Spreadr app dashboard.